Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon
P.B. No.:80, Umavi Nagar, Jalgaon-425 001 (M.S.)
University Authorities Election - 2022
Welcome to Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University!! !!
Instructions for filling information for Teachers/Principal/Director/HOD Online
Every Teachers/Principal/Director/HOD should read instrutcions given on this page before filling up online form:
Important Instructions for Teachers/Principal/Director/HOD :
Please refer to the detailed circular / notification.
The information for Teachers/Principal/Director/HOD has been called online for University Authorities Election 2022.
Fill up all your information online properly, as per the steps given below.
Steps for filling online information for Teachers/Principal/Director/HOD:
The applicants are requested to click on
for creating their Login for filling information for Teachers/Principal/Director/HOD.
Once the applicant has filled the basic information a
Computer Generated Username
will be allotted to him/her. The applicant is requested to choose his/her password and create his/her Login.
Applicants are requested to please note down the Computer Generated Username and their provided Password for further use.
Upon successful generation of username and password you are requested to login in to the
Election-2022 Portal
with your credentials.
Upon Login to the portal you will be presented with the dashboard containing the links to fill information for Teachers/Principal/Director/HOD.
Initially all the links will be locked except the link for filling “Teacher Information”. You are requested to please fill in the information in the provided format.
Upon successful filling of Teachers Information the links to print “Information of Teachers (Form-C) or (FORM-D)” as well as the links to fill “Information for Principal/Director (Form-A)” and “Information of HOD (Form-E)” will be unlocked.
Based on your preference you can either fill Information for Principal/Director (Form-A)” or “Information of HOD (Form-E)”.
The Application Form for relevant categories can be printed from the Print link available under each category.
IMPORTANT: To verify the details click on "Download Copy for Verification", after complete verification of application, click on "Final Submission" to confirm your application. It is mandatory to click on "Final Submission". After "Final Submission" download the form by clicking "Download Final Copy of Application Form". Please note that once you do "Final Submission" you are not permitted to update the information.
You are requested to take the printout of the application(s) on the A4 size paper, attach necessary proofs, get duly certified from:
Teacher Information (Form-C) or (FORM -D):
The Principal/Director of College/Institute and submit the form to The Principal/Director of College/Institute on or before the date specified in the circular/notification.
Principal/Director (Form-A):
Chairman of Management/Secretary and submit the same to “The Registrar, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon-425001” on or before the date specified in the circular/notification.
HOD (Form-E):
The Principal/Director of College/Institute and submit the form to The Principal/Director of College/Institute on or before the date specified in the circular/notification.
Database record plus printed hard copy generated by the system will only be used for verification of application. Mere computer generated hard copy will not be valid for registration. Submission of the printed hard copy (printed as "Submission Copy" in header of application) of the Application Form is compulsory.
Final registration and enrolment of name in Roll will be done by the University office after verification of documents by the University.
For any technical queries
contact to : 0257-2257348,2258411
, or
mail us on
[email protected]
[email protected]
Incomplete form will be summarily rejected and no correspondence in this regard will be made or entertain by the University.
Before "Final Submission" of the application form, if required he/she can edit the information, once he/she does "Final Submission" of application form the information will be locked and he/she won’t be able to change / update the information. The submitted information will be treated as final.
Technical Disclaimer:
This online system is compatible with JavaScript enabled browsers like IE7.0+, Firefox 2.0+, and Google Chrome 3.0+ on windows platform, Inappropriate rendering of pages due to non compatiblity issues of browsers other than mentioned and due to slow Internet connection speed, will not be the responsiblity of the university.
Any difficulty regarding printer setup or printing the form from PDF will not be the responsibility of the University.
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click here
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